Friday, October 16, 2015

Yep, You May Be Addicted to Sugar. But I'll Tell You Why You Should Quit Sugar

You are sitting in your office and you are getting that all too familiar craving. You don’t smoke, you are not an alcoholic and you don’t take drugs. You may not even drink coffee. However, you do eat a lot of chocolate and cookies. Basically, anything sweet and delicious. Yep, that’s right, you may be addicted to sugar.
Many people realize they are addicted to sugar when throughout the day, they would often find themselves craving something sweet and comforting that would give them a little lift. This surge in energy would soon drop, however, and then they would crave something sweet once again – vicious cycle. Sound familiar?

If so, it’s no wonder. We are surrounded by sugary delights in pretty packages that look so tempting and innocent. Unfortunately, such sweet treats are far from it.

According to a research conducted in the University of Bordeaux sugar is just as addictive as cocaine.1 Now I hear you thinking: “Yeah ok, but sugar is not as detrimental to my health as much as an illegal drug, right?” Maybe not initially, but let me just remind you of the harmful effects sugar can have on your health.

Why you should quit sugar
1. One of the most obvious reasons is that sugar is very calorific, but not very filling. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel all that satisfied after eating just one Krispy Kreme doughnut. Hence, why people tend to over-eat the sweet stuff.
2. Sugar suppresses the immune system – if you regularly eat sugary foods and drinks throughout the day, then you are stopping your immune system from working properly.
3. Sugar causes inflammation – this causes pain and can lead to diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
4. Sugar can cause tooth decay.
5. Sugar reduces the release of the human growth hormone, which accelerates the aging process.

As scary as those points were, don’t feel too ashamed of your sugar habit. We’re only humans, and there’s no shame in admitting that now and again – we like to snuggle up in front of the TV with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s, (especially if we’ve just split up with our boyfriend/girlfriend, in which ice cream should be prescribed by the docs). However, it is important we know what we are putting in our bodies. So, read on as I give you my personal tips on how to quit sugar, and feel healthier and happier.

Be Patient
It may take you around four weeks to reduce your sugar dependence. You may feel like you want to aggressively rip open a packet of Oreos within those days, but stay strong, you can do it! Just think how great you will feel when you’ve kicked the habit.

Many people who enjoy a diet that is low in sugar report that they have lost weight, have clearer skin, feel more energized, a lot healthier, and in turn, happier. Of course you can still treat yourself now and again to sweet treats. Life’s too short not to. The difference is that now you will feel in control and don’t feel that crazy craving for sugar anymore.

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